Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aquasana Healthy Water News 2008

Aquasana Healthy Water News Our quarterly newsletter on water related issues that affect you, our customer!
Infinite Health Resources is committed to bringing you up to date information on your drinking water wherever you may live. Feel free to contact us with any questions or product information.
Drugs in drinking water causes a frenzy with consumers.With all the media focus on the recent testing of major municipal water supplies and the realization that most, if not all, contain numerous prescription drugs and pharmaceuticals… our Aquasana call center has been overwhelmed. These compounds obviously pose significant health concerns and should not be ingested.
The question of the day is "Does Aquasana remove these pharmaceuticals?" While the answer is yes, it also calls for an explanation. There are no current test standards for "pharmaceutical" and therefore there are no certifications offered for the removal of these contaminants. However, most good quality home water filters will filter them out. According to the U.S. EPA, the vast majority of these compounds are Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs) and/or Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs). Consumers should look for filters that are certified for VOCs, THMs and Chloroform as these are representative of the vast majority of prescription drugs. Aquasana is certified for all 3.
Drugs get into our water supplies from recycled waste water and livestock run-off. Standard municipal water treatment does not remove them and therefore they are in most tap water and should be removed at the point of use.
More on What's In Drinking Water.

Congratulations To Our Customers From Aquasana & Planet Earth!As most of you are probably already aware, there is a major backlash against bottled water use by the government and environmental groups. The damage to our planet and economy from bottled water use is now in the news almost daily. Cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago, Las Vegas… and many more have "Banned Bottled Water" purchases by the city.
While those of us in the home water filtration industry have been striving for years to raise the awareness of this issue, it is now the target of the almighty media. Celebrities, city governments, environmentalists, journalists… are jumping on the "Ban the bottle" wagon by the hundreds. Articles bashing bottled water are popping up everywhere.

Two Growing Markets That Start at Your Tap By CLAUDIA H. DEUTSCHPublished: November 10, 2007Municipal water systems are aging. Environmentalists are castigating the makers of bottled water -- and the people who buy it -- for defiling the environment with plastic. All told, it is a great time to be selling water filters and reusable bottles.
Inc. Magazine, which tracks growth of private companies, recently cited Sun Water Systems, which sells high-end Aquasana filter systems, as one of the 10 fastest-growing consumer product companies in the country.

Bottled water's environmental backlashBy Sandy BauersPosted on Sat, Nov. 3, 2007Philadelphia Enquirer INQUIRER STAFF WRITER
Bottled water, once an icon of a healthy lifestyle, has become a pariah, the environmentally incorrect humvee of beverages… The environmental impact of 60,000,000 plastic bottles being produced, transported and disposed of every day in the U.S. from bottled water use is staggering and serves little or no purpose…

The facts are very clear
Bottled Water Production & Use In The U.S.:
· Uses 17 million barrels of oil per year to manufacture the plastic bottles.
· Causes the release of over 2.5 million TONs of CO2 gases from manufacturing the plastic.
· Uses over 10 million barrels of oil annually to transport or deliver bottles of water.
· It takes 3 times as much water to produce the bottle than it does to fill it.
· Causes over 60,000,000 plastic bottles a day to go into U.S. landfills!
All plastic bottles leach chemicals into the water at some level.Plastic was invented 144 years ago and over 98% of all plastic ever produced still exists today. It is estimated that it takes 300- 500 years for plastic to biodegrade. With the current growth in the use and disposal of plastic, it is only a matter of time until we choke our planet with a layer of plastic.
We are sending this information out to all of our Aquasana customers and contacts for 3 reasons:
One: To congratulate you on your decision to use home water filtration and to decrease your use of bottled water and plastic containers.
Two: To ask your help in spreading the "bottle your own" good word!
Three: Because it's good for our business! And the reality is, if it doesn't make financial sense, it most likely won't happen. The problem with most environmental causes is that they cost consumers money… this one saves money, time, energy… and a lot more!
Our "Bottle Your Own" Aquasana promotion has been our most successful ever. We are currently selling over 20,000 reusable glass bottles a month. A glance at the new "Bottles saved" counter on our home page at an actual, but staggering account of the millions of plastic bottles we are preventing with your help. And at the same time, we're offering higher quality water at a lower cost with more convenience! It just makes good sense.
"Home water filtration offers 10 times the quality at 1/10 the cost and NO plastic pollution!"
We are asking you to help us get the word out on this issue. We can literally wipe out the use of plastic water bottles in our lifetime and make a very positive impact on our environment in the process.
· Please pass this information on to your contacts.
· Ask your employer to switch from bottled water to water filtration.
· Proudly bottle your own with Aquasana and tell people about the benefits.
· Continue to use water filtration more and plastic bottles less!
It is rare that we get a chance to do a good thing for the environment that also is the best choice economically and for our health. It is a very clear fact that home water filtration offers better quality than bottled water, at a fraction of the cost, with far more convenience… and without the negative environmental impact.
Better for you and better for our planet, it truly is the right choice!Click here to view and purchase Aquasana Water Filter Products

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