Saturday, November 24, 2007

Reuters News Wire, November 16th, 2007

Reuters News Wire, November 16th, 2007

Fat Nap Link

Eating just a few meals loaded with fat could be enough to throw off the body’s internal clock, starting a vicious cycle that could lead to obesity and diabetes, Northwestern University researchers said yesterday.
They reported in the journal Cell Metabolism that mice fed high-fat foods showed marked changes in their diet and sleep patterns, sleeping longer and eating when they should be sleeping.

Reuters, News Wire November 16th, 2007

Fat Health Woes at 7

Children who are on the path toward obesity have some worrisome cardiovascular disease risk factors as young as age 7, according to researchers.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center researchers measured the body mass index of 308 kids every four months after age 3. They then examined several cardiovascular characteristics of the children at age 7.
A key element of the study was the “BMI rebound.”
Between birth and around age 4, tots become taller and leaner. Usually between ages 4 and 7, children start putting on weight in a way that increases their BMI.
The study showed that children who reached this BMI rebound early-experienced cardiovascular red flags by age 7.


The amazing fact facing America is that few obese people really gives a damn about being fat. I meet and talk with plenty of fat people and they do not think they are fat. That’s right. They also think a bowl of Hagan Daz at 10PM is just fine. Last, but not least, these people think fried rice and general Tzo’s chicken will give children all the nutrition they need and a Diet Coke will certainly trim a few unnecessary calories.

The simple reason 6 of 10 fat people think this way is because they are toxic. Their children are toxic. Just what is toxic? Toxic is when the body retains chemicals in its cell walls including fat cells. The toxic chemicals are from meat, McDonald’, Popeye’s Chicken, Applebee’s and 80% of what is found in our supermarkets. Especially the frozen food sections.
Our general source of food is loaded with chemical additives that when consumed on a regular basis actually leaves the body craving more of the same. Like a drug addict, the body needs its daily dose of toxic food.

Infinite Health Resources is associated with an organization called Isagenix. Isagenix has taken the idea of cleansing the body to the total body cleanses. The cell cleanse.

Almost 3 years ago I discovered a natural colon cleanse, unlike the Isagenix total body cleanse, which allowed me to become less toxic. It was a three-week program. By the end of the second week I saw fat melt away. However, I really did not see major weight loss. Although the weight did finally come off and it has stayed off. I did make major changes in my eating habits, which leave me missing nothing. More on that later.

Back to the melting fat. The fat melted away because I was ridding my body of all the chemicals that acted like a layer of insulation over my 35 pounds of fat. I might add that 10 pounds of the 35 pounds were easily locked up inside my colon. Pretty disgusting. During the 3-week cleanse, I laid off the meat, chicken, cold cuts and ate veggies with pasta and tomato sauce in a garlic and virgin olive oil base. Just incredible.

The Isagenix Cleanse for Life system is used by professional athletes, Olympic athletes and, you guessed it, obese folk. What makes Isagenix so incredible is the level and quality of research and physician participation is its use as an alternative to drug treatments and diet fads.

Incredibly, I consumed, and still do today, complex carbohydrates and stay slim. I have never avoided carbohydrates and no one should. The New York Post, November 7th, 2007 published a released study by the University of Maryland that clearly shows the danger of low carbohydrate high protein dieting.
There really is no such thing as a diet. Eating is a lifestyle. Either you eat to live or you eat to die.

The Isagenix Total Body Cleanse is helping thousands. The level and quality of testimonials are breathtaking.
Visit to see for yourself.

The Isagenix product line is complete with skin care as well. Remember, what you put on your body is as important as what you put in your body.

I own and operate and we offer thousands of non-toxic and organic products including environmentally friendly products. However, I am convinced that a cellular cleanse or a colon cleanse is the place to kick start anyone’s life into a path to good health and weight loss. Please note, a lean body does not guarantee a toxic free body. Click on recipes at and continue eating toxic-free once your Isagenix Total Body Cleanse is complete.
Every Isagenix Total Body Cleanse comes with a real life coach who has been successful with the Isagenix Total Body Cleanse For Life.

E-mail us at to arrange to speak with someone.

Visit for the kick start we all need to live the healthy lifestyle.

Thomas Affatato
Infinite Health Resources

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